Thursday, October 25, 2007

Atlas Shrugged - the movie!

A great movie is in the making - after a painstaking 15 years - the best selling book 'Atlas Shrugged' is being made into a movie. The leading actress playing Dagny Taggart will be Angelina Jollie - which is cool. Based on the article I have read by Robert James Bidinotto (see, the producer and script writer will do justice to the movie.
I suspect the reason why this movie took so long to make was the length of the book and its intellectual themes. There may also have been the odd film executive against the project, but Ayn Rand really did pack alot of plots into this movie, though I suspect the producer and script writers will do a great job drawing out the essence of the movie. Based on the current schedule, the movie is likely to be released in the USA in 2009.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Atlas Shrugged sale boosted by Alan Greenspan and Amazon exposure

There was a well written article on Forbes this week - paying a a tribute to Ayn Rand 25 years after her death and 50 years after her best selling book 'Atlas Shrugged' was published. And you wonder why I flog this book - see This book is more popular than ever and it sells better than those current best sellers, 50 years later. Its never been out of print. It sells like the Bible, but thats about where the similarity ends. Apart from the link to Alan Greenspan I think Ayn Rand is attracting sales because of Amazon book reviews - people either love her or hate her.